Self Care During the Holidays

Y’all, lets face it. The Holidays can be hard! There are many reasons that is true. And while no healthcare provider can change what comes out of your mother-in-law’s mouth as you’re sitting around the table for your Holiday meal, we can offer some guidance that may help you deal with those stressors with as much grace as possible.

Holiday Stress

The shopping. The cooking. The family. The decorating. The travel. The parties. The alcohol. The sugar. The late nights. The financial strain. The seasonal elevator musak… I don’t really need to explain all the Holiday stressors, do I? We all get it. But we are reluctant to talk about how stressful it is. There is an expectation that this is a Joyful Season and that all this running around madness is somehow in service to the greater good. That by each of us cranking our anxiety knobs to the max, the “Christmas Spirit” meters will read off the charts. We each feel some inner sense of responsibility. “If I don’t stress, people won’t be happy!”

Y’all, this is crazy!

Seasonal Influence

There is one factor that affects us all (no matter what traditions you follow this time of year) and is almost never considered: the season. I don’t mean the “Season” as in, the Holiday Season. I mean the actual season. From where I’m currently writing, I’m staring into sheets of pouring rain. The temperature this morning at dawn was the warmest we will see all day. The sun rose later, and will set earlier, today than it did yesterday. Everything in nature is going dormant. Everything except us… Nope, we beings of infinite intelligence have figured out how to make our busiest time of year the time of year that everything in nature says we should rest.

A Solution

We can’t necessarily change culture. But we can adapt, and with a little bit of understanding, can move forward through the Holidays with some semblance of grace and balance. It is in this spirit that we are offering a special half-day retreat at Thrive to address this classic conundrum. How can we make it through this “Season of Joy” and actually feel some? Come find out on December the 2nd, from 1-4pm. We will be offering powerful tools to keep you grounded during the Holiday madness. We’ll be moving our bodies and calming our minds. We’ll be drinking herbal calming tea. And we’ll even send you home with some simple gifts so you can cross a few names of your shopping list.

You are not gonna want to miss this! Sign up NOW! You know that the deeper into the stress you get, the louder that voice will become that tells you that there is too much to do and you can’t fit this in. That is a lie! You absolutely have time to invest in yourself! You will thank yourself. Your wife/husband/partner, kids, parents ‘and, and, and’ will thank you too! So we are extending an early-bird price ($35) through Black Friday (Nov 23). REGISTER HERE